We, the Susie King Taylor Women's Institute and Ecology Center and the Coastal Black Women's Ocean Memory and Conservation Collective, are humbled to partner with Nuclear Watch South, Beyond Trident, and Connecting the Dots in standing for life and against nuclear weapons. We celebrate the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which goes into force January 22, 2021.๐๐๐ณ
Among other aspects of the environment and coastal ecosystems, our work as Black environmentalists has been to stand for the Ocean (Mami Wata Rising) and to serve as citizen scientists, educators, ocean conservationists, deep sea divers, cultural preservationists, storytellers, community gardeners, and food justice advocates with a unique lens of experiencing the world past, present, and future.
We stand for Peace and Healing the North Atlantic Right Whales, our sister mammals even as we heal Our Selves. We are honored to have Michaela Harrison of The Whale Whispering Project to join us in this environmental healing work.๐๐ฑ๐๐ณ
Nuclear weapons testing at Kings Bay in St. Marys, GA is especially devastating to the North Atlantic Right Whales who have migrated to warmer waters off our Georgia coast since ancient times. ๐๐ณ๐โข